Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ancient Rome

Rome was the civilization that had the major development in architectural engineering. This development was of the arch, barrel vault, and domes.


The Coliseum is a large venue that is capable of seating 50,000! This structure is constructed from concrete and stone, acting as a modern day sports arena. Like discussed above, the use of arch and barrel vaults structures are prominently used in this design.

Pantheon (126 AD)

Marcus Agrippa was the man who commissioned this structure, and it was then rebuild by Emperor Hadrian. The basic structure is a round temple with a dome, and it is the World's largest un-reinforced concrete domes in the world. This means that it has no added structural elements embedded in the concrete to act as a reinforcement to allow for better support, like modern day rebar.

Maison Carree

This structure is in South France, and it was built in 16BC. The same man who build the Pantheon, Agrippa. This Vitruvian style architecture is said to be one f the best examples of a Roman Temple. This has a deep porch, Corinthian columns, and Roman Sequence is present.

Interior Design

The interior of ancient design uses a lot of some aspects that we can even see today. They used mosaics, stucco, frescoes, ornamentation, patterned floor, and many other intricate and subtle design aspects.

Modern Interior Inspired by Roman Decor

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